10 bad habits that cause wrinkles 010 bad habits that cause wrinkles 0

1. Stay up late

Due to the nature of your work or entertainment habits, you often go to bed when the sun is about to rise.

2. Use computer 24/7

You work all day on the computer, go home and continue working part-time or go on Facebook, read newspapers, play games, chat, listen to music, write… As a result, with this bad habit, you will age quickly.

3. Excessive worry

Bad mood causes the skin to lose vitality, become dry, and cause wrinkles to appear.

4. Drink less water

Water is the source of life and beauty.

5. Neglecting sun protection

Frequent exposure to the sun is a bad habit that should be avoided, it causes the skin to quickly `age`, darken, and uninvited wrinkles and freckles appear.


10 bad habits that cause wrinkles

Sunscreen is your companion in the process of fighting wrinkles and skin aging.

6. Change skin care products constantly

Beauty is not for those who are impatient because usually, skin care products will begin to work after 6 weeks.

7. Sleep on your side or stomach

These positions will leave wrinkles on the facial skin.

8. Always irritable and grimacing

If you frown all day, the skin’s pores narrow and the sunken areas of skin shrink, forming wrinkles.

9. Squinting

Some people just squint out of habit.

10. Smirk

If you “paste” a smile like this on your mouth, the skin around the corners of your lips will quickly appear wrinkled.


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