6 basic makeup mistakes when applying blush 06 basic makeup mistakes when applying blush 0

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Blush is considered an important part of the makeup process, it awakens the beauty of your face, making you full of vitality.

1. `Going overboard` in applying powder

Applying too much blush is considered one of the most common makeup mistakes.

6 basic makeup mistakes when applying blush

Applying too much makeup can be considered a disaster for those who prefer natural beauty

2. Choosing the wrong pastel color

Choosing a cheek color that suits you among the countless cheek colors that cosmetic companies offer is considered an extremely difficult task.

6 basic makeup mistakes when applying blush

Choosing a cheek color that suits you among the countless cheek colors that cosmetic companies offer is considered an extremely difficult task.

Choosing a cheek color that suits you among the countless cheek colors that cosmetic companies offer is considered an extremely difficult task.

Blush comes in many different forms, such as liquid, cream, powder, gel, compress… but not all types are suitable for everyone.

6 basic makeup mistakes when applying blush

Blush comes in many forms such as: gel, powder, cream, powder… suitable for different skin conditions

4. Using the wrong powder brush

One of the basic mistakes in makeup that most people make is sharing a blush brush with a powder brush, while using the right brush to apply blush will help you achieve a perfect look.

6 basic makeup mistakes when applying blush

Powder brushes play a very important role in applying blush. You should choose soft brushes with natural or synthetic fibers and remember to rinse the brush before applying powder to your cheeks.

5. Follow trends that don’t suit you

This is probably an extremely common mistake in the fields of fashion and makeup.

6 basic makeup mistakes when applying blush

Trying a new style is legitimate, but you should consider it to know which style really suits you because following trends is not always a good idea (Photo: pinterest)

6 basic makeup mistakes when applying blush

Trends and Inspiration

Which blush is for you in 2017?

6. Using blush at the wrong time

Makeup also has a clear step-by-step order, so you should follow the order of makeup, not do it carelessly.

6 basic makeup mistakes when applying blush

The order and time of applying blush is also extremely important and should be kept in mind (Photo: bbs)

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