Botox – A double-edged sword? 0Botox – A double-edged sword? 0

Younger thanks to botox

The causes of wrinkles on the face are very diverse: due to external factors such as the effects of sunlight, chemicals, cigarette smoke, skin diseases… and internal factors such as age that damage the skin.

Today, the development of medicine has brought many effective wrinkle removal methods such as facelift surgery, laser, collagen pumps, fat cell grafting, and Botox injections.

Botox is the common name for the method of injecting a protein secreted by the clostridium botulinum bacteria – botulinum toxin.

However, Botox has only been approved for use in cosmetic surgery in the past 10 years, mainly to temporarily remove wrinkles between the eyebrows and crow’s feet around the eyes.

Botox injections are most effective when you are between the ages of 25 and 40 and have not yet been adversely affected by the aging process and external factors such as sunlight and chemicals.

Double-edged sword

Botox – A double-edged sword?

Botox is a double-edged sword and the blade is very sharp, it can cut everything but just a little slip will make you bleed a lot.

Currently, people often use Botox for vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows and above the bridge of the nose;

Before deciding to inject Botox, you need to consult your doctor and choose a highly skilled cosmetic doctor.

Message from Women – ELLE

The development history of Botox is only more than 20 years but it has helped millions of people around the world realize their dreams of rejuvenation.

Traces of time are not always a sign of aging, sometimes, they bring a different beauty – the beauty of experience.

See more: “Botox” from nature for 10,000 VND

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