Emma Watson and inspirational quotes 2Emma Watson and inspirational quotes 2

Emma Watson is an actress who not only has a beautiful appearance and recognized acting talent, but is also one of the most inspirational people in the fight for gender equality, especially through her beautiful quotes

Known and famous for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies, Emma Watson is no longer the smartest witch but is devoting her best to feminist movements and campaigns across the world.

Let’s join ELLE in reviewing Emma’s extremely convincing quotes that prove she is one of the most inspiring people of the gender equality movement:

1. “I was appointed 6 months ago and when I talked too much about feminism, I realized that fighting for women’s rights has become so normal, because it happens so often, people have

Emma Watson and inspirational quotes

2. “I want to be a woman who always feels great about her body.

3. “I don’t want fear of failure to stop me from doing what I really want to do.”

4. “I don’t want others to decide who I am.

Emma Watson and inspirational quotes

5. “The saddest thing for a girl is to degrade herself by a guy.”

6. “I truly believe that beauty comes from within.”

7. `Don’t feel stupid for not being able to like what others cherish.`

8. `I think women are sometimes afraid of feeling like they have to become strong and tough.`

Emma Watson and inspirational quotes

9. “How can we change the world when only half have a say in the conversations?

10. `It’s time we recognize that both genders have opposing ideas.`

11. “Being yourself is really difficult, it’s a search process.

12. `There is nothing wrong with feeling afraid, you just have to have faith to overcome that fear.`

Emma Watson and inspirational quotes

13. “We really hurt our own confidence when we put ourselves down, so I try not to be like that.”

14. “It’s nonsense to say that young girls are fragile and fragile princesses.

Emma Watson’s inspirational quotes are an endless fire of inspiration for many people around the world.


See more:

Emma Watson: The star returns

Emma Watson – A new life…

Beautiful sayings about love and life

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