Use technology to raise awareness 4Use technology to raise awareness 4

Participating in the 7th `Innovation, Women In Tech 2020` event held in Stockholm in early March 2020, ELLE Vietnam had the opportunity to directly meet talented female entrepreneurs in many fields in Sweden.

The inspirational story of the two women below is no longer the story of the world but should be considered the story of each country, when the issue of copyright protection for musical creations in particular, art,

Linda Portnoff and Riteband – The world’s first music exchange

To satisfy her passion for music and finance, Linda Portnoff – a musician started her business by creating an `online music trading platform` technology platform called Riteband.

The global music industry’s revenue is skyrocketing, but for many artists, finances are a struggle.

Use technology to raise awareness

Starting with 20 songs in the app store, launched with Swedish musicians, Linda’s five-member team helps expand the network to artists and fans from all over the world, with

Balancing music and finances, according to Linda, is not a challenge because she feels alive when nurturing two passions at the same time.

Use technology to raise awareness

Honored as one of the top 3 startups at the SxSX 2019 competition, Riteband is the motivation for Linda to confidently continue her path in developing the world’s first trading platform for music.

Use technology to raise awareness

Elin Aronsen Beis and Foodloopz – E-commerce site to avoid food waste

We met Elin Aronsen Beis, founder of Foodloopz, an e-commerce site that brings together consultants to help companies reduce food waste, at one of British chef Jens’s chain of seven K-Mart restaurants.

Use technology to raise awareness

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), an estimated 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted globally each year, accounting for about one-third of the food produced annually for humanity.

Elin, who has experience working at a global food retail company, recognized the problem early on and spent most of her time understanding the story of food waste.

Use technology to raise awareness

Foodloopz works with all participants in the food value chain: from farmers, wholesalers, manufacturers, restaurants, hotels, charities, non-profit and regional organizations

Although raising capital and proving its sustainable development model to other partners is no small challenge, Elin succeeded in bringing Foodloopz to the Finals of the Tele2 End-Up 2018 technology startup competition.

With passion and much effort, Elin is currently developing Foodloopz not only as an e-commerce site but also as a consulting company to avoid food waste in Sweden and reaching out globally.

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