Visit Panama without a visa - Mit Dac blog 12Visit Panama without a visa - Mit Dac blog 12

Vietnamese people do not need a visa to enter Panama.

Just bring USD money

USD is the official currency used in Panama, from banknotes to coins.

`Shared` taxi

Taxis do not have meters, it is all based on your knowledge and ability to bargain.


Prices in Panama are slightly higher than some other Central American countries (such as Nicaragua, Guatemala…) and definitely higher than Vietnam.

Drink water from the tap?

Surprisingly, in Panama, from the city to the countryside, tap water can be drunk immediately, without cooking.

What does Panama have?

If you have a lot of time in Panama, you have many options: beach (Panama has 2 coasts, one side is the Caribbean Sea, the other side is Pacific), highlands, forests.

If you only have 1 day in Panama City, take a taxi to see the canal in the morning, and walk around the old town of Casco Viejo at noon.

Playa Venao Beach, which attracts many people to surf

Visit Panama without a visa - Mit Dac blog

Panama City – the capital of Panama

Visit Panama without a visa - Mit Dac blog

Casco Viejo old town with many remaining architecture from the Spanish period

`Crossing the border` to neighboring countries

From Panama City (or David City), there are many bus routes that go directly to Costa Rica (for Vietnamese people, if they have a valid US visa, they will not need to apply for a visa to Costa Rica).

Visit Panama without a visa - Mit Dac blog

“Intercity bus” in Panama

From Panama you can also go to Colombia by boat.

Writing from Panama City, Panama

*The blog’s images were all taken by Mat Dat during the trip

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