ZALORA approaches fashion with new technology 5ZALORA approaches fashion with new technology 5

After success at ELLE Fashion Show 2014, Zalora continued to cooperate in ELLE Fashion Show 2015 with the theme ELLE Fashion Journey.

Today, with smartphones, you can shop and get closer to the fashion industry not only domestically but worldwide.

On the contrary, consumers also have the opportunity to update information about fashion trends or their favorite designers in the media.

About a decade ago, when consumers’ perceptions of fashion shows were things that were too extravagant that they themselves could not afford, today, with Ready-to-wear fashion collections (


Visit at 7:00 PM October 10, 2015 to see images and information about ELLE Fashion Journey 2015

Grasping that need, ELLE magazine and ZALORA came up with a groundbreaking idea about the combination of technology and fashion in the ELLE Fashion Journey 2015 fashion show event – taking place on Saturday, October 10

You just need to open the QR code reader application on your smartphone, then scan the barcode printed on the invitation ticket or download the ZALORA App, as soon as the show opens, the screen will be automatically redirected to the page


ZALORA approaches fashion with new technology

The combination of Zalora and ELLE in ELLE Fashion Journey 2015 with portraits of 4 designers.

In addition, you can also register to participate in ZALORA’s talk show on the topic `How technology has changed the way people approach fashion` with the participation of special guests model Trang Khieu,

See more:

Zalora organizes online photo contest “Shine Your Styles”

ELLE cooperates with Zalora for Online Fashion Week 2015 project

Trang Khieu collaborated with Zalora to launch a new collection

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